8 AWS Services That Will Help You Better Use AWS

Nic Lasdoce
10 Jun 20244 minutes read

Curious about optimizing your AWS environment? Discover how these eight essential AWS services can transform your cloud management, enhance performance, secure your data, and automate infrastructure. Ready to elevate your AWS usage?


Effectively managing and optimizing your AWS environment can be challenging, but the right tools can make it much easier. AWS offers a variety of services designed to help you control costs, enhance performance, improve security, and automate infrastructure management. Here are eight essential AWS services that can help you get the most out of your cloud resources.

Cost Management

AWS Cost Explorer

Transform your AWS cost management overnight with Cost Explorer. This powerful tool allows you to visualize and analyze your AWS spending patterns. With its intuitive interface, you can easily explore your usage and costs, identify trends, and uncover cost-saving opportunities. Whether you're looking to understand your daily spending or forecast future costs, AWS Cost Explorer provides the insights you need to stay on top of your budget.

Use Case: A startup is scaling rapidly and needs to manage its cloud costs effectively. By using AWS Cost Explorer, they can track daily spending, identify cost spikes, and understand which services are driving costs, allowing them to make informed decisions to optimize their expenditure.

AWS Budgets

Keep your AWS spending under control with AWS Budgets. This service enables you to set custom cost and usage budgets, receive alerts when you approach or exceed your thresholds, and take proactive steps to avoid overspending. With AWS Budgets, you can define multiple budget types, such as cost, usage, reservation, and savings plans. You can also set up budget reports to monitor and track your progress against your financial goals.

Use Case: A SaaS company sets a monthly budget for its development and production environments. AWS Budgets alerts them when they are nearing their limits, ensuring they take action to stay within budget, such as optimizing resource allocation or shutting down unused instances.

Performance Optimization

AWS Compute Optimizer

Boost your AWS performance and save costs with AWS Compute Optimizer. This service analyzes your resource usage patterns and recommends optimal AWS resources for your workloads. By following these recommendations, you can avoid over-provisioning and underutilization, ensuring that you use the right amount of resources for your applications. AWS Compute Optimizer continuously monitors your AWS resources and provides actionable insights to help you maintain an optimal infrastructure.

Use Case: An e-commerce platform experiences fluctuating traffic and needs to optimize its EC2 instances. AWS Compute Optimizer suggests the most appropriate instance types and configurations based on usage patterns, helping them reduce costs while maintaining performance.

Amazon CloudWatch

Gain complete visibility into your AWS environment with Amazon CloudWatch. This monitoring and observability service provides detailed metrics, logs, and alarms for your AWS resources. With CloudWatch, you can set up dashboards to track performance, create alarms to notify you of issues, and automate responses to changes in your environment. CloudWatch Logs enables you to aggregate and monitor logs, while CloudWatch Alarms can trigger actions based on predefined thresholds.

Use Case: A financial services firm needs to monitor its critical applications for performance and security. By using Amazon CloudWatch, they set up dashboards and alarms to track key metrics and detect anomalies, ensuring quick response to potential issues.

Security and Compliance

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer

Secure your AWS environment with IAM Access Analyzer. This tool helps you identify resources that are shared with external entities and ensures that your access policies are correctly configured. IAM Access Analyzer uses automated reasoning to analyze your policies and identify unintended access to your resources. It helps you maintain the principle of least privilege by continuously monitoring and providing insights into access configurations.

Use Case: A healthcare provider must ensure that patient data remains secure and compliant with regulations. IAM Access Analyzer continuously checks access policies, identifying and alerting administrators to any overly permissive access configurations that could lead to data breaches.

AWS Trusted Advisor

Optimize your AWS infrastructure with AWS Trusted Advisor. This service provides real-time recommendations to help you adhere to AWS best practices. Trusted Advisor covers five categories: cost optimization, performance, security, fault tolerance, and service limits. By following its recommendations, you can improve the overall health of your AWS environment and ensure that you are using AWS services effectively. Trusted Advisor provides a prioritized list of actions you can take to optimize your infrastructure.

Use Case: A gaming company uses AWS Trusted Advisor to review their infrastructure against best practices. Trusted Advisor's recommendations help them improve security configurations, enhance performance, and optimize costs by highlighting underutilized resources.

Architecture and Automation

AWS Well-Architected Tool

Build robust and reliable applications with the AWS Well-Architected Tool. This service helps you review your workloads against AWS architectural best practices and provides actionable insights to improve your designs. The Well-Architected Tool is based on the AWS Well-Architected Framework, which includes five pillars: operational excellence, security, reliability, performance efficiency, and cost optimization. By assessing your workloads using this tool, you can identify and mitigate risks, optimize performance, and enhance security.

Use Case: A tech startup is preparing for a major product launch. By using the AWS Well-Architected Tool, they review their architecture against best practices, identify potential risks, and implement improvements to ensure their application can scale effectively and handle increased traffic.

AWS CloudFormation

Automate your AWS infrastructure management with AWS CloudFormation. This service enables you to define your infrastructure as code, allowing you to provision and manage AWS resources using templates. With CloudFormation, you can automate the deployment and configuration of your resources, ensuring consistency and reducing the potential for human error. CloudFormation supports a wide range of AWS services, allowing you to create and manage complex environments with ease.

Use Case: A media company needs to deploy complex environments across multiple regions quickly. Using AWS CloudFormation, they create templates to automate the provisioning and configuration of their infrastructure, ensuring consistency and reducing deployment times.


By incorporating these eight AWS services into your cloud strategy, you can better manage costs, optimize performance, enhance security, and automate your infrastructure. Each of these tools offers unique benefits that address different aspects of AWS usage, helping you build a more efficient, secure, and cost-effective cloud environment. Embrace these services and take your AWS experience to the next level.


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Nic Lasdoce

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Member since Mar 15, 2021

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